Sunday, February 28, 2016

Last post

At last it has come to this, I will finally submit my 110th entry.It has been hard, the pain of moving my fingers to type has been a challenge since I rarely use my hands for stuff. So in my last entry I shall talk about, making blog entries. From day one I have already procrastinated, I have tried a many ways to find a random topic, but I always end up with what I see or remember first. There was a time in which I had sever mental blockage and did not write for  2 weeks. For the most part of doing this blog I have procrastinated in doing it. I will say that for the most part most of it was rushed and some might be the ramblings of a teenage idiot. If there is one thing that I have taken seriously is me telling stories of my childhood and experiences. Everything I have told is true and was not recreated to suite the needs of making the point, though i ma not a credible source of info. Who know, maybe everything I said here could just be a ruse and actually I'm just some guy pretending to be a high-school student. I don't know why I am even doing this, but one thing is for sure. I will be quiting writing blogs. So farewell to someone that probably stumbled unto this blog by some drunken stupor or some mis-click.

My favorite time of day

People have a lot of favorites, favorite color, food, clothing, etc. But I have not found someone that answers, "What is their favorite time of day?". For me that would be when I return home, which is about, 3 p.m. The reason for this is because of the sun. The sun is in the perfect spot for it to shine through the leaves. It passes through as beams of light, kinda like what you would see from a dense forest and there's just enough room for the sun to shine through. Combine that with a strong gust of wind you have a scenery that would pass for a game, or at least that is what I see with these eyes.

My favorite spot might just turn to be just another spot

On our rooftop I have a perfect view of the sunset. On that spot I have danced,sung,and even acted. That spot has heard more secrets than the lies I tell my classmates. The reason behind that is that my family rarely goes to the rooftop and no one is there to see me make a fool out of myself. All of it shattered, because our neighbors is making another floor to add to their house and my ramblings are now in earshot of the top of their house. At least the view is still unobstructed. The best sunset is when everything is grey with that orange sun shining through the clouds. 


There come a time when a man(I wish) must put his feet up and relax his shoulders. This is a bad time to be a procrastinator, but it just feels so good. I have a ton of work to do and I'm just here sitting with a dumb face on. I read something online about that time enjoyed is not time wasted or some shit.  Therefore, I shall relax in preparation for the hardships that the school has put on us. I have a feeling that were the only class that is under a pile of projects.


Feathers a great thing that comes from birds. It provides warmth to the birds, some feathers are even water-proof to suite the needs of the birds. I have often associated feathers with American Indians, Recently I have acquired a feather ,which I believe come from a chicken. I then wear it on my I.D for no reason. I just felt that it would sparks some conversations or at least get people's attention and ask "Why the hell is there a feather on that guy's I.D?". I will await that day with the hopes of meeting someone and utterly confusing them.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

In a few years I'll cease to exist

One day, we'll return to the dust that birth us. I often dream about an age where Man kind has fallen and nature is left to consume the world. then new life will spring bringing a whole new history to this world. They will discover our ancestry and adhere to us as late man. Homo Sapiens Sapiens . Provided the sun doesn't blow up eradicating all life and causing a blackhole that'll ruin the solar system. If not, then everything is A okay.

Pokemon moon and sun

Recently, I have caught wind of the new Pokemon games, one thing went through my mind. Have they finally hit rock-bottom? I mean, seriously? "Sun" and "Moon"? The later gens where much more creative than that. C'mon Nintendo, really? Now it sounds like a Facebook game. Still I would still play it, it's a Pokemon game, who wouldn't. Bad title or no, I will still play it. As for what I would pick, I think I'll go with Sun.